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Citicoline Sodium Injection
Name:Citicoline Sodium Injection
Usage and Dosage:
Intravenous drip: 0.25-0.5g each time, once a day, diluted with 5% or 10% grape sugar injection or 0.9% sodium chloride injection.
Diluted with 5% or 10% glucose injection or 0.9% sodium chloride injection and slowly titrated. 5-10 days as a course of treatment. Intravenous injection: 0.1-0.2g each time. Intramuscular injection: 0.1-0.3g daily, divided into 1-2 injections.
It is used for disorders of consciousness after acute craniocerebral trauma and brain surgery.
Cytarabine is a cell membrane stabilizer ,Meta-analysis of several randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials (4 trials with 137 2 patients).
Suggests:Patients using cytarabine within 24 hours of stroke were significantly more likely to recover full function at 3 months than the placebo group.
A meta-analysis that included 14 randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials evaluated the efficacy of cytarabine for the treatment of cognitive, affective, and behavioral deficits in 1,051 elderly patients with complaints of memory impairment, VCI (mild to moderate), vascular dementia, or AD (mild to moderate), and was able to improve memory, behavioral and overall cognitive function ( Level II b evidence).